General Care for Powder Coated Parts

red powder coating on metal
In time, due to exposure to nature’s elements (sun, rain, wind, pollution, freezing cold, salt water), contact with abrasive materials, chemicals, electric current, use and misuse, care and maintenance will be necessary to protect your items with powder coated parts. Power coated finishes exposed may begin to show signs such as less glossiness, chalking and color loss. A consistent cleaning schedule will help remove dirt, grime, and other surface buildup that may be harmful to the powder coating finish, so with proper care and maintenance, you can prolong the service life substantially.
Protect and customize your favorite motorcycle, bike & car parts, indoor and outdoor metal furniture, architectural items to match your décor, call today! We guarantee a durable and corrosion-resistant powder coat that will last through tough weather for years to come! Keep up to date on our Powder Coating projects – check us out on Instagram!